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verilog code for the Arithmatic Logical unit

Author : Kishore Papisetty

//verilog code for the arithmatic logocal unit //

module ALU(
    output [7:0]f,
input [3:0] a,
    input [3:0] b,
    input [1:0] s

wire [3:0]q,r;
wire [7:0]p,z,l,k;
wire cout,br,cin,c;
assign cin=1'd0;
assign c=1'd0;
assign z=8'd0;

ripple A1(r,cout,a,b,cin);
subtractor A2(q,br,a,b,c);
binarymul A3(p,a,b);
assign k={3'd0,cout,r[3:0]};
assign l={4'd0,q[3:0]};

mux_21 A5(f,s,p,l,k,z);


module ALU_TB;

// Inputs
reg [3:0] a;
reg [3:0] b;
reg [1:0] s;

// Outputs
wire [7:0] f;

// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
ALU uut (

initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
a <=4'd0;
b <=4'd0;
s <=2'd0;

// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish

  #100 s<=2'b01;

#100 s<=2'b10;

#100 s<=2'b11;

// Add stimulus here




//verilog for the subtracor//:

module fullsubtractor(
    output diff,
    output br,
    input a,
    input b,
    input c

assign diff = a^b^c;
assign br = (~a&b)|(~a&c)|(b&c);

//verilog for the mux//:

module mux_21(
 output [7:0]op,
 input [1:0]s,
    input [7:0]p,
    input [7:0]q,
 input [7:0]r,
    input [7:0]z
 assign op=s[1]?(s[0]?z:r):(s[0]?q:p);

for adder and the multiplier you can found the codes in this blogger with the names ripple carry adder and 4 bit multiplier...


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